Saturday, June 22, 2013

Second Pride Schedule for Sat.


10am-Noon DJ Rocky Camelot
Noon-2pm Diversity Fashion Show Main Stage
2-4pm DJ Butch sponsored by Amacci Blue Wave
4-6pm DJ Regi sponsored by Regimade Main Stage
6-8pm PRISM Magazine Party with DJ Dex Main Stage
8-10pm Plugged in2 Main Stage
10-Midnight Exotica Party withDJ Cupric sponsored by Gallery Assis Main Stage


  1. Hey Carl, I just realized I have neglected to thank you for these very useful schedules with SLurls that you post everyday.

    They are very helpful and I have used them more than once to gt to the correct place! So thank you for taking the time and making the effort of publishing them!

    Hugs buddy

  2. No problem man. Wish I could do more. Take care and warm hugs back.
