Friday, August 10, 2012


Yesterday Aug. 9, 2012 I stopped by Avacar Bluestar's Gay Fun World to check it out. Sounds like a fun place.   Avacar is a very fine guy.  Friendly and is dong great things in SL.  I admire this warm sociable guy.

As you know I am shutter happy with a camera and of course took a few photos there.  I only checked out a small area on this visit.  Looks like a great site and a lot of nice shops.  

I will be here many times I am sure.
Hope to see you there.


  1. So flattered Carl - what a good photo group - but, as for my two bots, they'll have to thank you themselves hahaha...

  2. Smile. They seem to spend a lot of time sunning. Great Tans smnile
