Wednesday, July 27, 2011


I have a 13 year old grandson who has like most kids a Facebook account.  The other day I noticed porn on his wall.  I was concerned and went to him and his Dad.  He cried and said he did not post it.  I told his Dad to take him out and eat and I would check it out and see what I can find. 

Being a 13 year boy he will naturally look for porn and that is natural.  I went through his computer and discovered that he attempted to access a porn site.  To get a free membership they said he could get it by allowing them to access his face book account and he clicked on allow.  I have preached to him many times to never say yes or no to anything like that but to click the X in the upper right corner and leave. We changed his pass word and it has nothing to do with any information concerning him.  It should be a good secure one. Nothing is free.

Then yesterday we started getting comments from family for when they saw the link on his page they clicked it and got a lot of real porn.  Last night he was going to delete his Facebook account. I told him that was not necessary but to be careful.  Today he posted a entry explaining it and apologizing to every one. I let him know how proud I am of him for thinking it out and doing the right thing.  He is now getting a lot of responses from his friends saying they understand.  A hard lesson for him but a good one.  I love him and do not want him in trouble.  What a life, but love it.

Yes I do have a grand son and was married at one time.  I am gay and always have been  My family understands and my X and I are friends for the sake of the children. 

Have a great day in RL land SL

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