Here in the beginning of my SL blog I guess I will just ramble. Nothing special to talk about, but misc. thoughts that will let you get to know me. In RL I am known as a man of few words and likely in SL that will show. That is just who I am. There are certain words that are important to me in both RL an SL. One of those words is Friendship. I accept everyone that I meet until there is a really good reason not to. I do not judge or try to change others to be what I want. I respect everyone for who they are. I find a number of special friends here in SL that have an effect on my SL life. I hesitate to name names, for fear I will leave someone out. Some of those special people who make my SL more real and meaningful are first the person who brought me into SL or maybe gave birth to me is, Damius. He was a friend of mine on Yahoo Messager. I was talking with him one day when RL had me in a down mood. He suggested that I join SL. In the near future I will let you know how that went and my feelings doing so. I find it interesting.
One thing that truly took me my surprise in SL is the strength of friendship that can develop. A real unexpected surprise is falling in love. I have a boy friend, and he is a caring and kind man. He lives in Belgium and me in the USA. The time difference makes it tough. Our time together is quality time. We talk and explore new places together. We like to cuddle and just talk. When sex happens it is near the end of our visit and includes a lot of cuddling and foreplay which make the sex very special and loving. Sex is great but our love affair is mush more than sex.
My boyfriend is Scarabee. He is only a few days older than me. He is into making things and in to making clothes. He has recently opened a clothing store and I am leaning from him.
Well as I said I ramble and hope this makes some sense.
The important thing is I love people and some that have helped me understand SL and my self are (first names only at this time), Tyler, Kev, Jay, Rory, and most recently Eddie and Ryce, who’s articles on there blogs I am getting into. Love photography in RL and love the photography articles that Eddie posts in his blog. In RL I am not one to follow advice columns but in SL love the advice column that Ryce does. It helps me understand my self and my feelings as to SL.
Well everyone have a nice day and look out for I will likely get to urge to RAMBLE again.
Photos of special moments. I will in time take some of these into Photoshop and try to improve them.
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