Sunday, May 15, 2011


Sunday May 15, 2010

Weather:  RL  Cool, cloudy and showeres
                SL  Perfect how ever you want it

I loged on and still no stream at my apt.  I went first to the Lagoon.  A small group there talking and dancing. Peaceful and nice.  After a while I decided time to do some exploring and so decided to try and find 3 Bears Aussie Boys Island.  Got there and looked around.  No one around, of course the time I was there likely most still in bed.  I will go back again and hope to see others.  Then I decided to go back to The Egyptian Empire Dragover and wonder around.  Wrong time I guess for it was also deserted. 

At least not into trouble yet, but then trouble might be more fun.  So back to the Lagoon.  A nice group there dancing to the music of Zachary Kenyon.  Had a nice time until time to return to RL for some lunch. 

Have a great Sunday in RL and SL

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