Sunday, May 1, 2011

Just me and Naked Carl this evening.

A mellow evening

This evening I was in a very mellow mood.  I checked jn to SL and  checked out two places. I decided to try and find where the 3Bears Nudist Camp is.  Turned out I ended up at Castawayz Nude Beach where a dance was going on.  I did not move up into those dancing but was in back of the group.  The music was good and everyone looked like they were enjoying themselves. Most must have been talking in IMs for not mush going on in local chat.  Could not find the dance ball so I used the one I wear.  It was unusual for no one spoke, and they did not seem to welcome anyone when they arrived.  I think this is a place I will go to from time to time and will just be the man of few words that I am in RL.  Let them sort of wonder who I am.  Sort of a mystery man. Here is a photo from there.

Then I went to a place called Deep Blue Water - Lir,  Must have missed the dance there for the DJ was the only one there.  He spoke and we talked a little.  I found the dance ball there and danced a few minutes.  Here is a photo from there. 

Then I went back to my place and Naked danced alone to some music that I enjoyed listing to.  Several of the songs I renumber playing were Midnight Special, After Midnight and Late at Night.  Well Naked danced and I played a little in Photo Shop and sat back and relaxed.  Tonight I spent the evening with Naked.  I want to get to know him.  (smile)

Have a great RL and SL.

1 comment:

  1. I hate places that totally ignore when newcomers arrive. I no longer have any time for them!
